



About Us 關於我們 歡迎來到我們的貓咪專屬旅店,這裡同時提供優質寵物用品與質感貓奴生活選品。陪玩是我們的興趣,照顧是我們的專業。 我們以貓咪的特性,獨家設計專屬於貓咪的安全獨立空間,並以舒適又溫馨的實木打造,定時提供營養餐點及乾淨水源,每個房型的坪數大小設計均經過政府機構認可並為品質提升,除加大住宿空間之外還附加安全的遊玩區,無論您需要短期還是長期的住宿,我們主打每日回報飼主們貓咪的狀況,讓您充分瞭解寶貝現況以確保安心無虞。讓您的貓咪在這段住宿期間裡如同在第二個家的舒適安全感。

Service Brief Introduce Welcome to eWayCats ! We provide not only hotel, but also pets Goods. Accompanying play is our hobby, caring is our profession. Our core design is to provide safely independent space for each cat as well. Each room is made by wood, it not only get government safety certification, but also upgrade to be more comfortable environment. We dedicate to regular feeding with clean water(filter by Brita X9 system). There is large space for play during rest time. Daily share with Breeder for each baby status. Owner can through full color camera to check baby’s status in real time by cell phone.

感謝您選擇以為有貓,讓我們的貼心服務與完善空間,成為您和貓咪的最佳後盾。 Appreciate your consideration to stay in eWayCats. We absolutely is the best team to service for you and your cat(s) baby.